This is an old book, which was written in 1984. I read it first time around 1997, when I was in school. I liked it very much & bought it from a second hand bookshop. It is a historic adventure, set in the wild, lawless republic of Texas in the 1830s. Where, the settlers have to battle with the nature & red Indians. It portraits the difficulties faced by the both sides. An Englishman Adam Rashleigh joins a group of Irish settlers to gather information about the newly independent Texas. There he meets Frontiersman Eli Varne, who leads the settlers to their lands. Two of them become good friends & they have wild & exciting adventures. They battle red Indians, befriend red Indians & battle with rogue Texans. And Adam falls in love with a Cherokee girl & marries her.
But with the massacre of red Indians he looses his pregnant wife & her whole family. When red Indians retaliate & kill the crippled son of a wealthy Mexican landlord who Adams was fond of he joins Eli to battle the Red Indians. By that time Eli’s wife is also been killed by the Indians. It is a good western novel. Although not a classic, it keeps the reader well entertained with action, jokes & tragedy. All though this is one of my all time favorite books unfortunately I have not been able find any more books of EV Thompson. May be I will get lucky someday.
Fantastic Fiction - EV Thompson
# posted by Rambler @ 9:48 PM